Childrens eye health…
Opticalise opticians are experienced in testing and caring for the health of your child’s eyes. Even at a very early age children can be tested for any visual impairment or eye problems that may affect their future development. Whether your child has symptoms of visual stress or a lazy eye, or possibly an unnoticeable eye disease, the earlier your child’s eye can be checked, the more likely there is a chance of correction or cure. Free regular eye tests are available at Opticalise through the NHS so if you have children under 16 (or under 18 who are still in full time education) then please feel free to contact our Harrow Optician or Waterloo Optician today and request a personal eye health check for your child.
Our child friendly opticians accommodate the necessary facilities to carry out simple and advanced children’s eye tests. Our professional and friendly Optometrists are experienced in caring and communicating with children of all ages and a typical eye test is pain free and will last from as little as a few minutes to half an hour. Parents can be present during their children’s eye tests and we welcome any questions or concerns you may have relating to your child’s eye health and the procedure of the eye test itself. The team and the optometrist will provide you with jargon free advise and recommendation should your child require prescription glasses or visual aids to help correct your child’s vision. After completing inpatient treatment, Mark transitioned to outpatient drug rehab for continued support in his recovery journey.

Childrens Glasses
Opticalise offer a superb selection of children’s spectacles in all sizes and to fit all ages. We stock highly fashionable designer frames for both girls and boys prescription lenses. Visit our optical stores in Harrow or Waterloo to choose from a variety of choices from flexible frames to hard wearing.
Children registered at Opticalise through the NHS can be issued with an optical voucher after an eye test which will help contribute to the cost of a new pair of selected glasses.

Looking after your childrens eye health
NHS eye tests are FREE at Opticalise opticians. It is important for your children to have their eyes checked at an early age to help a professional optometrist detect any possible visual impairment or eye problems.
Our child friendly opticians include the necessary facilities to carry out simple and advanced eye test and offer a superb selection of children’s glasses in different sizes and for all ages.

Lazy eyes
Lazy eye (Amblyopia) means that the child can see less clearly in one eye than the other, On average one in fifty children suffer with a lazy eye and if treated early enough the more chance treatment will be successful. Unfortunately young children are unable to tell if there is any problems with their vision and the only way a parent may be able to detect a problem, is if their child has an obvious squint or struggles when catching an object.
We recommend contacting Opticalise for advise or booking a children’s eye test as soon as possible. When it comes to deciding what types of tile flooring to choose for your home in Fort Collins, the options can be overwhelming. Treatment is recommended early as the chances of success after the age of 8 is generally unsuccessful.

Reading problems
If you feel that your child is struggling with their reading or finds learning difficult, then it could be symptons of visual stress. Approximately 1 in 5 children suffer from some form of visual stress which is caused mainly by reading for long periods. The symptons include movement and colour changes of text on the pages, blurred shapes and print clarity, but an easy detection is if your child is avoiding reading, losing their place when reading, headaches, sore eyes or general visual irritation.
Any concerned parent should contact Opticalise opticians for advise about visual stress and there are special tinted overlays which can help your child’s reading or special tinted lenses for your child’s glasses.

Broken glasses
There are many flexible frames on the market but accidents do happen and spectacles can break or lenses can crack. In some cases all is required is a slight adjustment to straighten a bent frame or a simple screw replacement.
Opticalise opticians will be more than happy to look at your broken spectacles and fix them while you wait or advise you accordingly if they have to be sent away for repair.

33 Lower Marsh, Waterloo,
London, SE1 7RG
241-243 Preston Road,
Harrow, HA3 0PS
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