For healthy eyes you should visit your optician regularly…
Modern eye exams involve more than check how well you can see. When you book your eye test you’ll benefit from a number of essential checks, specifically designed to keep your eyesight and general health in the best possible condition. At Opticalise we’ll test your vision and check your eyes for diseases like glaucoma or cataracts, as well as other general health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
Book an appointment
Visiting your optician
During your eye test
After your eye test
If this is your first visit
You can be reassured that there is nothing to fear. An eye test is completely painless and will take around half an hour. You are welcome to ask as many questions as you like, and everything will be explained to you, avoiding jargon where possible.
Once your test has been completed, should you need a prescription for glasses, our qualified dispensing staff will assist you in finding the perfect frames and lenses to suit your lifestyle and the shape of your face.
Your Opticalise eye examination will include:
A full visual check including peripheral vision.
Ocular health check.
Eye pressure check.
Retina check
After your eye test, if you do need new glasses Opticalise stocks the most up-to-date brands that you know and love. We will help you choose the right spectacles that not only look good but also feel great.
Opticalise is your expert independent optician located at 241-243 Preston Road, Harrow; and 33 Lower March, Waterloo. Contact us by phone or email and book your essential eye health check today.
Childrens eye health
Opticalise opticians carry out FREE NHS eye tests for children up to the age of 16. Eye problems can occur at an early age and our team of professional optometrists can perform a full eye health check which may detect any immediate or future concerns.
Cataracts, Glaucoma and Diabetes
There are many different eye conditions of which the most common are Myopia (short-sightedness) and Hypermetropia (long-sightedness). Other common conditions occur when you get older such as the difficulty to read close up which is known as Presbyopia. These common eye conditions can easily be corrected however there are many other conditions that can arise suddenly, cause blindness or have a long term effect to your eyesight if symptoms are unnoticed.
Regular eye health checks can help detect harmful diseases such as Cataracts and Glaucoma which can be dealt with at an early stage. Columbus house cleaning experts know best how to make your room smell fresh. Other general health problems such as diabetes can also be detected through an eye examination and require immediate treatment to help prevent losing sight in the eye.
At Opticalise, our experienced team of professional opticians are fully trained to detect early symptoms of eye disease as well as other eye conditions such as blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane within the eye and eyelids), dry eye (lack of tears), flashes and floaters (specks that swirl in the eye), macular degeneration (deterioration of the central vision) and retinoblastoma (eye tumor).

The condition may start in one eye first but usually affects both eyes and gradually gets worse resulting in the eventual loss of vision. Cataracts can be treated if detected early.

Glaucoma can cause blindness but can be treated at early stages and if members of your family have been known to suffer from glaucoma, it is advisable for you to visit your optician regularly for eye tests.

Diabetes occurs when a person has high blood sugar and the pancreas cannot produce a sufficient balance of insulin. People with diabetes also have a tendency to suffer from cataract and macular diseases.

33 Lower Marsh, Waterloo,
London, SE1 7RG
241-243 Preston Road,
Harrow, HA3 0PS
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